Jan 14, 2007 17:33
I know that I haven't posted anything here in a month and that it's been over two months since I posted anything of significance here, so I figured I'd say a little something. While it may seem to many that I've fallen off the face of the earth, I am in fact still here. I've had a ton of things going on for me and I really haven't had the time to post anything about it. Hopefully, in the next few weeks I'll have all of this stuff settled out and I can bore everyone to tears with the goings on in my life over the last two plus months. The basic things that need to be said are that I have a job (RAH!). I managed to get hired on by TD Ameritrade, so I'm their new Customer Service Specialist. I work in Princeton which means all of my customers are pretentionus jack offs who are doing nothing more but fueling my desire to get closer to New York as soon as possible. I've finally managed to find an apartment. I moved in last weekend, or I should say I moved all of my clothes in. I have no furniture currently, but hopefully that will be changing next week. I also have no TV because that douche bag of an ex-roommate of mine, John, left my TV with his old roommate in Ford Hall. So I have to wait until that guy moves back in to get my TV. Also, my computer died so I'm using the library's computers, when I get the opportunity. Bottom line is that I'm living in Highland Park and I'm slowly getting the place together. There's a lot more I could say, but I've got other things to do. Hopefully, my friend Matt can sell me his old laptop, and I can get my telecom settled. And then as promised, I'll bored you to tears with long winded posts about shit that gone on in my life recently. If you're really itching for me to regail with a tale, give me a call, and I'll tell you about how I decided to walk to Rahway on a whim. Peace.