Apr 17, 2007 11:16
My journal pic of the little squirrel, and a story one of my LJ friends wrote about her encounter with a robin prompted me to tell you about my encounter with this little guy I now lightheartedly refer to as gilligan (my little buddy).
I had just walked into the living room on a really beautiful morning. When something on the front porch caught the corner of my right eye. Something was definetly out there. I froze, and looked outside and saw gilligan. There he was on the table just outside the picture window tail in the air, licking some boards my husband had left outside for a few days after stripping them and refinishing them. If you look closely in that pic you can see he was licking the dew off the boards because spots on the boards are dry. I videoed him, and took pictures of him for a while, and then he ran off.
The next few days he didn't return and then I had an idea. I got some peanut butter, bird seed and a stick pretzel. I dipped the pretzel in the peanut butter , and then in the bird seed. I put it out there on those boards. It only took about a half an hour until I saw his familiar gray tail swinging down out of his hiding place in the porch roof. He swept down, and crept across the wood to the pretzel. It was quite a sight watching him carry that pretzel back to his home raised up with his little squirrel arms like a flag in the morning sunlight.
At least he was happy. I certainly was.