Things are changing here. The short story is that 1) I was offered a paid position with a government consulting firm 2) I'm moving
The long story is behind the cut...
The long story is that last week while on vacation (in SC with the family) I got a call from this government consulting firm. I had applied for a different position a few weeks prior and heard nothing and wasn't really expecting to hear anything. So I called back and the recruiter said she saw my resume and there was a paid internship position open that she thought my skills would fit with. It was in a different department that the one I had originally applied for; but, she thought that the director of the department would really like me and my skill set. So, she asked if she could pass my resume on to him. I said sure. I've never had anyone call me to ask if they could pass along my resume, so it kind of threw me for a loop.
Then a few days later I had a voice mail saying that the director really liked my resume and wanted me to come in for an interview. So I scheduled that for Tuesday - which meant that I had to leave SC on Monday (my plans were initially flexible enough that I might have stayed longer). I went to the interview on Tuesday and the director offered me to job on the spot! He also wanted me to start Wednesday. I told him that I needed time to leave my current internship respectably and to move - so I will be starting the 26th!!
And my world got even smaller - not only did the 2 people that I will be working with get their PhD's at GW, the director teaches there and had one of my professor's while he was doing his PhD. Also, this same prof. is a consultant with the organization!! It's slightly insane.
So I will be working on a project for the House of Representatives and actually getting to use the analysis skills that I learned in classes!! I'm so exited for that! To actually have my education pay off.
The moving has been planned - I have to be out by the end of the month - but it wasn't going to happen until the last week of July; but, with this new job, things have been pushed up. I picked up my keys today and dropped off a few boxes of stuff. It's so much bigger than my current place! I really can't wait to be in it, but not to move. Luckily my mom is coming in and a friend volunteered to help, so we should be good for next week. But ugh, so much to do in such a short amount of time.