It's been a while, I know

May 30, 2007 13:41

So the reason I haven't been updating is that I'm trying to stay more positive about things, and not always have really downer entries.  But I've been not so happy recently, and didn't really feel like baring my depressed soul for all the world to see.  So this one is going to be half not happy, half...well, looking ahead to the future-I'm not sure I'm quite all the way to happy yet.

So I still don't know about Mason.  Their 2nd seat deposit is due June 1 (Friday), so, maybe, hopefully (pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese????) I'll hear sometime next week?  On the plus side, I was poking around the GMU site, and found a question/answer forum with the dean, and there were a couple of people who had also been waitlisted who asked the questions I had been thinking, and so I found out that they really don't start offering seats to the waitlist (or at least, not many) until after this second deposit.  I've really been trying to stay positive through this whole ordeal, but it's so tough.  Poor Ben.  He's had to deal with me being all sorts of moody and in a funk most of the time.  He always says "that's what I'm here for," and that it's "his job," but I still feel guilty for putting him through it.  He also rightly points out that I'd do the same for him, but, it's just frustrating when I hate feeling this way, but can't seem to quite pull myself out of it.

So because I've been feeling all down and stressed, I decided to give myself a week (not even really a week-more like 5 days) off from counting points and just not worrying about the healthfulness of what I was eating.  I figured it was better to just take the gain than to go nuts.  I was still working out and all that, just not caring what I ate, or counting the points.  So that was last week (Friday night-Wednesday), so then Thursday, I got back on track.  Sisy and Dennis were coming to visit over the holiday weekend (yay-more on that later!), but I wasn't too worried.  So I stayed mostly on track this week-eating over my daily points, yes, but still within my flex points, plus activity points.  So yesterday morning, I weigh myself-up.  To 140.  Now, I was deliriously happy when I got down to 140 the first time.  And the second time.  But now that I've dropped below that point, I'd like to stay below that point, thank you very much.  Ok, so I'm obviously not weighing in tonight (yay for being lifetime, and already having weighed in in May), but I try my hardest to not let it get me down, and eat well yesterday.  Then today, Adelle and I had our 2nd session with our personal trainer (more on that later, as well), got our butts kicked, and I go to weigh myself, thinking I'd at least be below 140.  But of course not.  I was up to 141.  Yeah.  Definitely not weighing in tonight, and I was even questioning whether or not to go to the meeting.  But I've decided to go.  And, even though I caved and got food I wouldn't have usually eaten (like mayo/cheese on my sandwich, and apple juice and a chocolate croissant from Au Bon Pain) for lunch, no matter what the day, I also decided to count those points.  Usually, I'd just say forget it and not count (and I probably will when dinner rolls around, since I'm already into flex points...), but I really need to hold myself accountable.

Random: I've been on this weird apple juice kick recently.  Usually, I don't drink juice at all-I'd much rather eat the fruit-but I've had apple juice 3 or 4 times in the past 2 weeks.  No, I'm definitely not pregnant, it's just strange.

On a positive note from this past week, even though the conditions were horrid (seriously hot and humid), I completed our long training run of 20 miles on Saturday!  *Phew*  Now that that is out of the way, and in the conditions we had, the 26.2 in Anchorage will be easy...ish. 
  Also, Sisy and Dennis were here-finally!  They haven't been out to visit at all since we moved out here in August, 2005, so it was definitely time.  Den had never been to DC, so Friday, while I was at work, they did the touristy stuff, plus met up for lunch with me, Adelle, and Alex.  Adelle said to me later: "I think I can only handle one Markwick at a time."  Sisy and I definitely have a tendancy to get a little goofy when we are together.  I think Dennis was very happy Ben decided to fly home from his business trip early, and got in Friday night instead of Saturday afternoon.  Other than the stuff they did on Friday, the only other thing we did was go out to dinner Saturday night, and to Mt. Vernon Sunday afternoon.  Otherwise, we were all just happy to chill.  Some other time, we can plan more, but we've all been busy, so not doing much made for a lovely visit!  After dropping them off at the airport, I had a lovely time at the mini-BBQ Adelle had at her place, before heading off to our first training session.  Yes, she and I decided to go ahead and hire a personal training to do training sessions with the both of us.  It's cheaper that way, plus we can encourage each other as well.  And it ended up being really cheaper, because the original price quoted to us ($399/20 sessions) was not correct, and it was Bally's fault, we're being charged for 12 sessions ($329), but getting all 20!  Yay!  :)

Ok, so here is my plan for the coming week:
1.  Focus on the WW healthy guidelines-especially the fruits and veggies.  In order to facilitate this, I will be stopping at the store tonight to get some fruit to put into my fruit bowl that I bought for the office over the weekend, and haven't brought in, yet.  Oh yeah, and bring the bowl in as well...
2.  Weigh and measure everything.  I've gotten lax.
3.  Work out at least 5 times this week.  I'm guaranteed three (run on Sat, trainer Mon/Wed) which is what I did this week, but I really feel like I need more.  I'm planning on getting up and going in tomorrow, and probably go swimming Friday evening.

So that's what's been going on, and what the plan is.  I know this was long, but it feels good to get it off my chest.

Oh yeah, and I need to go shopping!  I sent home a buch of stuff with Sis, and everything she didn't take with her is either being donated or saved for Adelle-not going back in my closet.  Plus, I need a new pair of running shoes before Saturday morning. 
  Mine have a couple hundred miles on them, and they are definitely not cushioning as well anymore.

Ok, I really do think that's it now!
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