Feb 06, 2005 14:29
Thank you very fucking much Mr. Inconsiderate Neighbor, for waking up my ass at 9 am on a goddamn Sunday morning. Is it not enough that your overlydull senses are unable to detect the thumping bass speaker you have so conveniently placed right up next to the concrete walls that divide these puny little dwelling habitats for humans, but must you subject me to the awful shit you call music as well? That's right. Shit. I walked upstairs and knocked on your door to politely ask you to turn it down a notch, and what do I hear, but creed. CREED! YOU WOKE ME UP WITH CREED!? Are you fucking serious?! And then you decided to pretend like you weren't home. So yeah, I called public safety on your ass, and I heard them banging on your door. And I can hear you now stomping around upstairs like some kind of pissed off crack baby. Get over it. And get a better taste in music, dipshit.