Mar 20, 2008 16:26
John wakes up with his face in a book and immediately regrets it - not only because this usually leads to having printstains on his face, but also because of the huge headache which makes its presence known like that annoying American drinks mascot slamming through the brick wall of his skull.
God, he was too hungover for metaphors.
... Oh, that's right. Late night drinking with Blake, and... panties. There were definitely panties involved. And a flag pole, and a dog. ... That's not a reassuring selection of memorable images, there, so John decides to sit all the way up in his chair - ow - and then head down to the kitchen. Although he does blink at his choice of pillow for a moment, he figures he'll remember just why he was reading those books when he was pissed off his face later. After he gets some coffee.
Upon arrival in the kitchen, he puts the kettle on to boil as best he can whilst squinting through the headache, and wrestles a mug, a spoon, and the coffee and sugar tins into his possession. And tips instant coffee grounds into the mug until it's about one-third of the way full. Then he does the same with the sugar and, once the water's boiled, in it goes to fill the mug the rest of the way up. The spoon has to suffer the indignity of stirring the resultant mixture, which is almost syrupy in consistency by the end.
And then yes, he drinks it. Gulps it down, in fact, which cannot be healthy. But at least it helps him to wake up and makes an impact on his hangover.
Such that he actually notices the time.
"... Bollocks!"
After a hurried scrabble to get dressed and get his textbooks in order - and rinse his mouth out with water, brushing would have to wait - a slightly dishevelled John Constantine bolts out of the front door and starts running to school. Hopefully he can catch a bus or something along the way.
thread: [havah],
post: [laughing_magic],
thread: [ugliest_shirts],
thread: [open],
occurring: [off campus]