On Saturday June 14, Valley Fair opens at 10 AM to a warm, sunny day. The highs are supposed to reach nearly 80 degrees, but for now it's breezy and a little cooler; although there are thunderstorms promised in the evening, it's basically a perfect day to be at an amusement park.
Which is where the population of St. Jude's has been invited to be
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Which is why he bounds over with a face full of cotton candy as soon as Elliot's ancient decrepit crotchety old man departs, chews, swallows, and starts out, "You're not seriously going on any of those right." Hello, what's hello, Alex doesn't need your formalities.
He sighs, folding his arms over his chest, and shakes his head. This can't be happening. This same guy, who is annoying as hell, keeps finding him. MAGICALLY. At the question, he turns with a scoff. But, what's this? He turns back to deadpan at his peer with that gaze that asks Does it look like would fit in that bumblebee? Or something to that effect.
Shock and awe, a vague attempt at communication! Nonverbal though it may be, it gives the teen hope. Just what Elliot was trying for, surely. "Good, then I can potentially maintain some mild amount of respect for you. Want some cotton candy?" He offers the pink fluffy goodness over. "It's not poisoned, I promise - unless one of the carnies poisoned it, but it doesn't smell or taste funny and I haven't passed out so far, so they'd have to know what they're doing and you'd think if they knew their poisons so well they could get a better job than working the Valley Fair." ... :D?
A hand reaches out to pick a small bite of the pink floss and brings it to his mouth. ...Then an idea comes to life in Elliot's head. After a casual motion to bring out his wallet, he takes out a fiver and hands it over to Alex. "Two corndogs. Mustard. Got it?"
He snatches up the five instantly - but that doesn't mean what you think it means. "Do you see a little white paper hat on my head? Because I'm pretty sure I'm not your server, though by all means keep tipping me." And with that, the teen turns tail and canters off. Don't expect change. He may, however, be back with corn dogs. He may not. Elliot is free to hang around and find out!
Good dog.
It isn't as if it didn't occur to him Elliot would ditch him, after all - okay it didn't until the first few steps toward the vendors, but he got two corn dogs and a few bucks out of the deal, which will surely assuage any minute amount of teenage angst that may result. And on the upside, now he knows where the other teen keeps his cash. :3 ... Assuming they ever see each other again. He peers about, scrutinizing the area just in case.
"Hey!" He barks. "Hey, stringbean. You seen a kid about yey tall," measured by putting his hand at his eye's level. "Brown hair, frowny, has a flannel shirt on?"
Squinting up into the sun at the man, he finally responds, "Why, is he your grandson or something? A St. Jude's hopeful, real chatterbox, right? Name's..." Help him out here, and maybe he'll return the favor.
"You're uselessness is starting to bug me, kid. Give you a ten if you tell me where he might have gone."
"I don't mean to be a pain, sir, I'm only disappointed I can't help much, seeing as your son just ditched me same as he did you." His lips press together in an awkward little disappointed expression, coupled with a shrug. With a nod in the opposite direction of the food stalls, he adds, "My best guess is that way, and no need for money, Mister...?" Keep the ten for a name? Pretty please?
Anyway, Simon is going to stroll his happy keester off for the pavilion, where he is positive he'll run into his kin once again.
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