May 03, 2008 20:28
Garion hasn't been very talkative lately, both in person and over the journals. He's gone through the motions of being present and accounted for - even been personable and Garion-y at times when it's been appropriate, but his mind's elsewhere and has been ever since he took one step too many and his foot landed in something it wasn't supposed to.
It's not that he's never seen horror movies or anything like that, but there are just some things he had never considered being real, and the idea that they always had been would be shocking enough, but he could get past that, given a couple days; what's really eating at him, what's really got him so confused and unable to focus lately, though, is how Enfys knew that before the ghosts.
How his girlfriend - was she even his girlfriend any more? probably, even if he couldn't even remember a single thing they'd done together, just the two of them, lately - knew these things were more than just dreamstuff before, by his best guess, anyone else even suspected it. (Well, anyone not Candice. Which ... is a whole other matter entirely, Garion, so let's stay on topic.)
It's hard question time. Garion hates hard question time, because it's always the wrong hard questions that he remembers to ask.
His hatred for difficult discussions like this would go a long way towards explaining his standing outside Enfys' door for five minutes without ringing the doorbell, just a bit. He bangs his head on the door in frustration.
"... ow!" What the hell is that door made of? Reinforced titanium?
That probably got her attention! Unintentionally, but who cares about intent?
thread: [bachigyn],
occurring: [off campus],
post: [onesolidrock]