St. J all the way!

Jun 02, 2012 18:13

Greetings to y' all

I think it 's about time I start taking my life seriously, and start my own LJ.

That's right, from now on it's St. J all the way! Don 't know my headings yet in this new territory/fabric of life I'm entering, but storm and excitement are surely ahead. Will this adventure include writing? Singing? Videomaking? Blogging? Arty-fartying? I don't know.

Anyway, any input is most welcome. Like the lay-out? Didn't really know what to choose. Ideas for a nice subtitle? Ideas for a new song? It takes me ages to write songs on my own, and that's okay. But outside input always helps me to just make the damn thing instead of letting it linger in my head and hands (I play the piano) for ages.
I don't know about actual writing, as in prose-writing, words you write down op paper that are meant to stay there. I've never really done such a thing but it has always intrigued me. Extra barrier: my first language is Dutch, not English. I'm happy with my English skills, and writing English lyrics doesn't seem to be a problem, but when it comes to prose... don't know yet. Only time (and I?) will tell.

Apart from that I've recently picked up sketching and painting a bit. It's amazingly fun for something that's seems really.. one-sided maybe? Dunno, I guess we'll see about that as well (I think I'm discovering the main theme of this post here.)

Ow yes, for those who don't know me, a very short introduction is at it's place here, right? My name is Jolan aka St. J. I'm 22, living in Ghent, Belgium in the same house as holyfant <3. I'm studying psychology and as you possibly might notice in future posts, I love rambling about psychoanalysis and adjacent topics. I'm more or less always singing. LOVE singing. Always. Love it. Next year I'll be studying in Rennes, France, for about ten months. Looking forward to that!

I guess that's it for now. Guess the next step is to make some official LJ-friends. But since I only know LJ, and therfore only know LJusers, through holyfant, this journal is endagered to become her side-channel *MUST PREVENT *thinks very deeply* hmmm

ANYWAYS, this first post is more than long enough now. Time to start thinking about which tags I'm going to use!

Hugs 'n kisses!

St. J

lj, writing, holyfant, songwriting, psychology, language skills, taking my life seriously, this is me!, my first time, erasmus@france, music, drawing/painting, adventure ahead!, we 'll see about that

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