Feb 10, 2006 15:59
The 50 Short Questions Quiz
Q1) Sleep with or without clothes on? um... its cold..definitely pjs
Q2) Prefer black or blue pens? Pink!
Q3) Dress up on Halloween? Absolutely!
Q4) Like to travel? LOVE IT!
Q5) Like Someone? yes :)
Q6) Do they know? I would hope so.
Q7) Who sleeps with you every night? my teddy bear
Q8) Think you're attractive? sometimes i have good days
Q9) Want to get married? Yep
Q10) Want kids? eventually
Q11) Are you a good student? sometimes. I have my good days
Q12) Are you currently happy? yes
Q13) Have you ever cheated? who hasn't. sharing answers is something everyone does
Q14) Birthplace? Statesboro, GA
Q15) Christmas or Halloween? Christmas!!!
Q16) Colored or black-and-white photo? Colored
Q17) Do long distance relationships work? I've never had one, but I've seen them go either way.
Q18) Do you believe in astrology? No, it's neat stuff though.
Q19) Do you believe in love at first sight? how about Lust at first sight
Q20) Do you consider yourself the life of the party? not really although I can be really fun :)
Q21) Do you drink? yes
Q22) Do you make fun of people? Who doesn't?
Q23) Do you think dreams eventually come true? Sometimes, sure.
Q24) Favorite fictional character? peter pan back when I was a kid. right now I have no favorites
Q25) Go to the movies or rent? both
Q26) Have you stolen anything? a traffic cone from Kentucky
Q28) How's the weather right now? Cold and sunny and a little windy
Q29) Last time you cut your hair? I cut my own bangs last week... luckily that wasn't a disaster
Q30) Last person you talked to on the phone? Anne Marie
Q31) Last time you showered? This morning around 11
Q32) Loud or soft music? Depends
Q33) Mcdonalds or Burger King? The Grill!
Q34) Night or day? Night
Q35) Number of pillows? 4... two regular, one fuzzy and a squishy one
Q36) Piano or guitar? Both!
Q37) Future job? Teaching band.... but I would really love to be in pit orchestras for musicals
Q38) Current job? student
Q40) Current longing? hmmm.. chocolate
Q41) Current disappointment? I probably won't get to hang out with someone this weekend
Q42) Current annoyance? people coming in here and interrupting my procrastination
Q43) Last thing you ate? a cheeseburger and nachos
Q44) Last thing you bought? peppermint bark chocolate
Q45 ) Most recent thing you are looking forward to? actually sitting down and talking with someone because we really need to.
Q46) What are you hearing right now? people in the hallway
Q47) Plans for the weekend? Cinderella! Tony's party tonight, Cast party saturday night
Q48) What did you do today? lunch, Health Center w/Matt, Bursar's Office, Work, Dinner, Cinderella, possibly movie
Q49) Pick a lyric, any lyric or song: Live in my house, I'll be your shelter, Just pay me back with 1,000 kisses. Be my lover, and I'll cover you....
Q50) Pick a movie quote? What is your name? What is your quest? What... is your favorite color?