Ok, I had this whole little thing typed out and my computer is a jerk. That is all on that subject. *Fake smile*
Is anyone else digging that song "1985", by Bowling for Soup. If you havne't heard it or seen the video..poor you, because it is funny. Simply hilarous and catchy as a case of head lice. (which I've never had, just thought you should know.) But one question. What is up with the hot momma over 40 trend? Lets see we had Diane Lane's unexpected popularity with "unfaithful" (though not so much with 'Under the Tucsan Sun), Demi Moore getting her freak on with Ashton. 'Stacey's Mom' with Rod Stewarts ex wife humping on a kitchen table. And Maroon 5's "She will be loved" with John Travolta's wife (Kelly something or another..I think). Well, It could be worse. I am a Mom, so hopefully when I get up there, I 'll be just as hot as those Momma's. :p
I was watching the show "Renovate my Family". Its a new FOX show, and I only tuned in because the utterly fabulous Wiggins (or is it Biggins?? family were getting a make over for their house/lives, and they needed it. They were on "Trading Spouses" and I could tolerate their family. I never thought I'd love that show but its pretty interesting. Please say that Dave Chapelle is in a court room right now over that shit though. Anyways, they needed a new house, and FOX was going to renovate their house, their clothes, their everything. So I watched, and Dr.Phil's son Jay is the host. Jay is HOT in my opinion. Very hot. Plus hes in law school, has had a New York Time's best selling book, etc etc. This is his pic:
Well ANYWAYS, I have decided, since I can't seem to hit the damn lottery (What are the odds??), I should get my house renovated, which probably won't happen. But I wish it would. They hooked that house UP. THey got a 100 inch tv screen (granted I have a 52. But 100?? That is hot<3) a big old jacuzzi tub, everything was in that house. Oh well I can dream. :)
My little Buttercup friend is here. I'm babysitting, er dogsitting for my friend's whilst they get married (Which I can't go too.:( don't remind me how much it sucks to be poor). She is so sweet , but she keeps farting right near my face, and Lord how much to dog farts HAVE to stink????? GAWD!