Sep 09, 2004 00:52
Well today has been a day anyways. I cleaned the floors at least. I now realize I am NOT ready for a dog at this point in my life. How many pounds of dog hair have I cleaned up off my kitchen floor thus far I wonder? And how many times have I rescrubbed the floor after dirty paw prints are tracked in from the rain? Oh well, I love Buttercups to bits anyways , its just a little extra work I don't mind doing at all. :)
Today though it was raining most of the day. I let Buttercup out to go potty. We live in the country and our back yard is probably about an acre or two going down to a highway and woods. Buttercup dissapeared for about 30 minutes.I almost had a heartattack I swear. What a great present for Amy and Sam's wedding. "Yeah, I killed your dog.Sorry.How was your trip?" FINALLY she came back covered in red mud. So I had to give her a bath and now she smells like Herbal Essence! :) Mikey had a lot of fun walking through puddles today, I felt bad letting him do it, I know hes going to like get a cold, and hes never been sick before! Not even an ear infection. But you only live once, ya know?
We went to the library when Matt came home. I just love the library. LOVE IT. How did they ever convince people to loan out brand new books-for FREE?? Who woulda thunkin? So I got the new book from the woman who wrote Bridget Jones' Diary, Helen Fielding. I also got Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul (Shut up I like cheesy things that warm the heart :p) and God Bless the Sweet Potato Queens. We went to Walmart to get some stuff and Ran into Elizabeth and Landon (her son) so it was good to talk to her. His birthday party is soon so we have to give him something he'll like. Liz is so funny though, she cracks me up.
And OMG Mean Girls comes out soon! I'm so excited. Ok granted I don't like Lindsay Lohan. Or maybe I do...i have a feeling she is growing on me. Why WHYYYYY?? But anyways, I DO want to see the movie really badly. It looks hilarous, and the girls dress well (?) Ok Gah I need to go to sleep. I feel asleep at 8:30 on the couch and woke up 2 hours later on got on here.