May 12, 2003 10:12
Im in a crabby mood.. I dont know why. No thats not true I do know why I guess.
I've been liking someone for a long ass time. This person has always had someone in his life or I did when he didnt. Now there is no one in my life and I thought there was no one in his. I think he thinks I am playing with him about things I say/do when I'm not. I hate not being taken seriously when I am being totally serious. If he cant see how I feel in all the years I have know him; maybe I should just realize he either 1. just doesnt see me as anything more than a friend or 2. he knows and doesnt know how to tell me it aint happening. ::sigh:: when will I learn? For that matter when will I learn when to quit?
I gotta go to school