Jan 29, 2006 01:28
IM NOT.. OK!!!!
I'm thinkin bout having another one of those things called breakdowns.. I can't help it.. WHY do we have the power to love, an then the power to lose, an then the power to watch the one you loved an lost love an gain someone knew.. why is everything so cruel.. This life an everything around it is all fucked up.. NOthing makes sense to me anymore..
An another thing i don't fuckin understand.. WHY give me the power to feel happiness an then have the power to rip it from me an leave me in the dark.. along with my heart.. why make me feel what i have so dyingly wished for an only give it to me for a day an watch it be torn from me without a fight.. Why do i sit here constantly thinking of him.. why can't i think of someone knew.. why can't u give me the power to hate when u have givin me jack shit! .. Fuck it all..
I was so fucking happy last weekend.. i was with him.. an everything felt so right like nothing was wrong like we were still together.. he treated me jus like he did last time.. like i was his everything.. held my hand while i slept everything.. an then i leave again an what.. He fuckin hates me again? im not even here.. im jus a figiment of his fuckin imagination.. i dont get it.. what is so wrong about me, that i can't get him to love me again.. he stopped loving me after two days.. Why am i such a fucking fool to think that maybe for jus one second he liked me again.. that for jus one second he missed me.. why am i jus full of nothing.. can life be anymore stressful to me..
I did nothing wrong.. an i get treated like i destoryed the world.. he doesnt respond to me.. doesnt do nothing.. an here i am pourin out my feelings with tears fallin from my eyes.. wanting to pick up the phone an jus scream i love you.. but i can't.. i knew this would happen i knew when i left all this shit would happen.. jus like last time.. i dont get it.. well im done rambling..not like it matters.. right now at this moment.. i hate everything.. including myself..