Aug 18, 2005 17:30
It's been almost a month since Dave and I broke up, an I'm still not completly happy.. I still lay in bed at night an think of him an have tears in my eyes.. i don't understand what I did wrong.. Is it me? I just don't understand it. Why all the sudden does he not have time for me.. I'm a emotional wreck.. always sick to my stomach.. i just want to drive there run up to him an tell him I love him, an i just want to be with him and only him.. I don't know why he has such a effect on me.. i can't even look at another guy an think Oh i would like to be with him.. cause i know deep down in my heart i dont want no one else, and i know i'll just try to compare them to Dave..
I thought i was unhappy with Dave when i got back with WI since he was ignoring me, but i realized after he wont take me back that i love him with all of my heart an so much more.. an he was the only thing in this life that made me happy... every minute i spent with him fullfied my heart, every day i spent in his arms made me feel like i was in heaven, every kiss we shared now brings a tear to my eye.. I'm basically nothing without him.. an that means i was something when i was with him.
I'm not going to give up on him, i refuse to lose the man i love with all my heart an soul.. an to be honest i would die to know that he loved me.. as weird as that may sound its true.. I truely think that if hearts had keys his would fit mine perfectly.
yes our relationship wasnt perfect but nothing is. there are always things that will be different an difficult an thats what makes everything work better.
When i was in Wi, i remember the first night i met him.. I stared at the tv an was shy as fuck, an then as the week went on i felt so comfortable with him, like i had known him forever.. an when i had to leave it killed me an i fought back my tears an pain, an i didnt even tell him i loved him, an that still weighs heavly on my mind.. I jus remember driving back home.. an having tears pour down my cheek knownin that something bad was goin to soon follow..
I push people away i'm not afraid to admit it, but i don't want to push him away, i wish he would jus take me back into his arms where i belong..
I wonder if he is over me.. i hope not.. cause its hard for me to get over him.. my mind jus keeps replayin every moment we spent together..
Theres a holiday comming up, an if i have the money i'm driving to Wi, to get my film, an cds, an maybe stop by daves if i'm brave enough to face him.. I jus want him to know that I will wait for him until he is through doing what he is doing or being with whoever he may be with now..
god im such a sad pathetic case.. an i'm only writing this cause only a selective few know this account.. so talk about me if you want.. i dont care anymore.. i'm in love an always will be.