(no subject)

Sep 25, 2009 03:02

I keep trying to get things organized.

there are too many social network things to update these days, Of all the site I think deviant art is the worst. The website is terribly un organized and they try the least to link themselves to the others.

I just started up the Twitter so add me on that if you want.


Twitter seems to do a better job, allowing more flexibility in how you post.

I want to write about what I have been up to, but I havent really been doing anythign this whole year... Is my life really getting that dull? And I getting old and stupid? This thing used to help me sort out my mental problems by writing them out. Either I dont have any problems anymore or they have gone ahead and eaten my brain.'

I need to get back into the lfow of things. Stuff fell apart.
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