(no subject)

May 29, 2009 01:26

Its the middle of the night and I have spent all day and all evening working on stuff for my day job which came in late and now is due too soon and all the work that was done needs to be redone because of quality issues. I don't have time to work on my art or anyone's freelance jobs making everything else suffer.

I am not too happy with my workplace lately, While I realize All workers are busy during these times I will not tolerate that as an excuse for putting in half the effort.

I have some little interns at my day-job that I boss around to help me get my work done. They are good kids who have strong creativity and potential. They are helpful because the amount of work I have to do is physically impossible for one person to do each deadline. Its too bad they get incredibly lazy almost all the time. I am getting very disappointed in the half-ass jobs they are throwing at me because they "dont feel like doing it". I warn them that this is design, a cut-throat industry where when they leave the sheltered bosom of their magical art academy there will be not be your mommy or an obese goth to fix your half-finished work before it goes out. There will just be you, what ever lazy art student YOU get to teach and the pink slip you earn for doing the job poorly.

Most people know I am a fan of stereotyping, I like to sit back with a neutral tone and let society decide how I should view them. Groups of people will interact with me and show me what they have in common and I can form a generic opinion on all of them. Its simple and organized and I dont have to waste time keeping track of everyone's ups and downs. People have yelled at me and called me racist or discriminatory because of my narrow views on certain types of people because of this. Such is the cost for efficient social categorizing. I just hope those whining babies have something to say to the other people who are stereotyping me in there own little groups of dicks and a-holes.

With that setup I state this rude topic for discussion:
I think all art students are lazy tossers. Some of you are art students right now... I bet you are a lazy tosser. Some of you are art teachers... you are making future lazy tossers. Many good people I know ON THIS VERY FRIENDS LIST were once art students and are now artists in the real world. ... They are still lazy tossers.

You are all lazy tossers. Go ahead and sneer at me as always I welcome criticism and fat jokes, Or better yet just prove me wrong, because while all I want to see is smart creatives running about making this city look good, and all I get is a bunch of art students who are too lazy to click a button to align font or at least just use the nudge tool.

Fucking interns, fucking students, fucking tossers.
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