Clearing up that backlog.

Jun 09, 2008 18:01

Should've posted these a while back, but real life caught up with me and took a huge bite out of my arse. >_>

TALES OF THE ABYSS, PERSONA 3 and all characters/ideas/concepts/places within both titles are not mine, although the writing certainly is. Themes are yoinked from 31_days and all that other blardy.

August 9 [2006]: Tales of the Abyss. I am he whom I love and he whom I love is I.

Telling himself that the act wasn’t sex with another person but masturbation made it easier to sleep with Luke and not get angry, or not wonder why he was doing this with the one who had stolen everything from him. Luke was, after all, the real repository of ashes between them, a shadow of himself with the same red hair, the same shapely lips, the same startling blue eyes.

It was easy to gloss over the few physical differences they had when they were in bed, or to pass them off as tricks of the moonlight. What was harder to ignore was the tremor in Luke’s voice when he was close to coming, or the heat of Luke’s body when it pressed closed to his own, or what it felt like to be inside of him. Still, Asch had learned how to turn his back on matters small and large at an early age, and denial was just a part of the process. He knew what to do, and when to move and how to touch and where to put his limbs because he was fucking himself. That was all there was to it.

August 14 [2005]: Persona 3. All night long I’ve held your hand.

This piece is partially inspired by the initial parts of the Aigis chapter of FES. See, it’s revealed in those parts that the group actually took Minato to the dorm first after the end of the game - worst fears aside, they had believed that he was only sleeping.

As she sat there at his bedside with his hand slipped between her own, Yukari Takeba had found herself thinking about the last time a scenario like that had happened, with her in a chair by a bed and him sleeping like a log and her again, worrying about it. When he had woken up back then, she had not been willing to admit to herself how much it had relieved her, to hear that soft intake of breath, to see him opening his eyes. Back then, it had embarrassed her, how she had proceeded to fill the hospital room with useless words and look back to see him just watching her with that sort of confused look that indicated that he was just too polite to ask her what she was really getting at. He always had been the quiet type, the listener, the comforting presence just to her left, calmly pretending to blow his head away each and every time in order to destroy their enemies. Those were the things Yukari told herself that night, in order to keep from thinking of the possibility that maybe, this time, it would be different. She resolved, as she kissed his cheek and stepped out to take a shower, that she would tease him for his silence when he woke up.

The next day, after a team of the best doctors in the city and specialists from the Kirijo Group had taken a look and stepped out to quietly inform SEES that Minato Arisato wasn’t ever going to open his eyes, Yukari went back to his room, pulled up a chair and took hold of his hand again. She watched him, recalled that hospital room of months past, ignored the faint pulse beneath the skin of his wrist, and tried to remember the exact sound and cadence of his voice.

May 19 [2007]: Persona 3. Der Tod und das Mädchen.

The title of this means “Death and the Maiden” in German. It was inspired by the first few Aigis-centric scenes in the Aigis chapter of the FES.

It was only after she lost the ability to sleep that Aigis learned the true meaning of a minute, the true length of an hour. Prior to that, in the year that would end up being the last year of her life where she was ever happy, she had thought that sleep was a useless and entirely human function - even after she had gotten in touch with things like Feeling and Emotion, the thought of closing her eyes and drifting off had irked her. In the fight for the salvation of the world, every moment counted: she could spend her time tending to her teammates, who actually needed the downtime.

The last dream she ever had was of floating down a stream filled not with water but voices, looking up at a concrete-colored sky with square clouds and the shining silhouettes of golden gears further above. He floated just above her, one arm outstretched, fingers grasping at air, grasping for her. She had woken up just before she had reached out to touch him back. Aigis remembered spending most of that day attempting to close her eyes and return to that dream, only to discover, with a mild amount of horror, that sleep would never come, that even if she stayed in her room and closed her eyes and willed her mind to think only of him, that same vision and moment was lost to her forever.

Mitsuru did not ask Aigis to explain herself when the cyborg asked that all the clocks in the lounge, the kitchen and the one in her room be removed. Aigis was thankful for that: she had not been looking forward to telling the girl that the ticking was likely to drive her insane and having no way of explaining it. There was no way someone who could sleep could understand what it was like to sit there, staring at numbers, feeling a second drag itself out into eternity with every small movement of the hands.

I'm supposed to be working on birthday fics for dreamlessness and psychoshoujo, but... yeah. Getting there, hopefully soon!

fanfiction: persona 3, fanfiction: tales of the abyss, drabbles: miscellaneous

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