58321 / 73122 words. 80% done!
As of last night, the first arc of Bloodsport was completed well before I even hit my NaNoWriMo goal of 73,122 words -- this basically means that until I hit the quota (and until the month ends), I intend to press on with as far as I can take the story until NaNoWriMo is over on my part. Once I reach 73,122, however, I no longer have a daily word count quota to follow. I intend to slow down in order to make room for school work and other things.
NaNoWriMo writing is always very raw, and because this is Bloodsport I don't plan on posting the whole thing as soon as November ends. I will take my time out to make the initial edits on the chapters, and will post them as I go along. I have also made some important edits to the previously released chapters -- they will be available for download as soon as I start editing.
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