hate you all...

Jun 21, 2005 12:07

because im so obscenely depressed right now and am currently hoping people die...

.♥. Basics .♥.

name: Gabrielle
sex: lady
DOB: October 29
race: white
height: 5'1"
weight: i refuse to tell
hair: brownish,orange,blondish
eyes: brown
single or taken: taken
if single, do you have a crush?:
if taken, what's their name?: Michael!!! <3 ;x

.♥. Favorites .♥.

food: turtle cheesecake bites
fruit: oranges
veggie: califlower
color: dark green or dark blue
music genre: i dont like one specific genre
band: Against Me!
song: Papercuts - Gym Class Heroes
website: Livejournal, D.A,geocities site with rosemary,and an old xanga
book: none
movie: our VCR isnt hooked up x_X
drink: water (MUST LOSE WEIGHT NOW!!!X.X)
soda: very small amounts of birch beer
word: desire
boy name: Morgan
girl name: Melora
shape: ehh...
T.V. show: Simpsons

.♥. In a GUY/GIRL .♥.

hair color: brown
eye color: green
height: taller than me
weight: healthy
hair length: medium length so i can mess it up on a daily basis :3
curly or straight hair: emmmm no matter zero bits
shows affection: ....DUUUUH
calls just to say hi: it makes my heart smile X3
tan: ick
drinks: no
smokes: no
braces: I don't mind XD
freckles: doesnt matter but freckles are cute and i wish i had some!
glasses: i <3 glasses

.♥. Fill out your name with BANDS .♥.

G Gym Class Heroes

A Against Me!

B Barenaked Ladies

R Rasputina

I Interpol

E Eve 6

L Led Zepplin

L Lost Prophets

E Enya

.♥. Stuff .♥.

what are you wearing?: pjs
what cd is in your cd player?: Interpol
when was the last time you cried?: thursday/friday
have you ever broken someone's heart?: yes...i think in my opinion
how many?: one but we've never broken up
has your heart been broken?: Kinda
have you ever used someone: No
have you ever been used: No...i think
have you ever made yourself throw up?:ive tried to
have you ever gone a day without eating?: yes
have you ever been skinny dipping?: No
have you ever flashed someone?: not intentionally
have you ever eaten so much you threw up?: Nope

.♥. WHO/WHAT was the last.. .♥.

who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: my lover
who was the last person you IMed:ehhh my love XD
what was the last song you heard?: enya - anywhere is
what was the last word you typed: is
what was the last word you said& not typed?: fine
who was the last person on your mind?: "friends"
who was the last person you touched?: my mummy
who was the last person you kissed?: MICHAEL
who/what was the last annoyance?: alec like a second ago
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