and here is Day SEVEN~ ^_^ I'll do a real life post either tomorrow or boxing day depending =D
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
1. Bad hair, as I've said before for me hair is something to be taken notice of, good hair makes over all apperance better, bad hair just takes it down. Some say that I'm just picky, but hey, we all have something like that right? right? (^_^")
2. Rude, a pretty obvious one really.
3. Talk too much, yeah if you talk to much chances are I will ignore half of what you say, because half the time its just nonsense and I have a really low attention span =/
4. Pervey yeah obvious one too, when guys say perverted things to me, even if theyre just joking in does my head in, really annyoing and theres no need for it really.
--- Stitch xx