So, This morning me and my sister
siiaaaan watched the latest Shounen club…(Also pimping her mini Hasshi pic spam for any Hasshi fans or anyone who’s interested you can see that
And wow there isn’t a whole lot to write about for this Shounen Club post…
Today I’m only talking about the performances as nothing else grabbed my attention. :) Okay, so the theme this time round was “HOT”
So Kis-MyFt2 had a little performance of “Tension” I like this song was 1 of the first I heard by them so yeah ^_^ Umm It was really short but it was nice…and that’s all there is to it really. Okay. But seriously I like the beginning of the song with the “We are “K I S M Y F T 2, Yeah Dig it” Makes me giggle~ xD And they wore the Red suits with the scarves that I want =D
After that was KAT-TUN with “N.M.P (No More Pain)” I love this song to pieces and I liked this performance too. I like the choreography for the song and it’s just a really enjoyable song if your me. Also thank good for this performance it has the lyrics on the screen so now I know the lyrics are “I don’t wanna lose you but… What a painful world” I read somewhere that the lyrics were “ I don’t wanna lose you but…I don’t want to pay for war” I don’t know, I guess those were just done by ear or something even though the album had been released at that point xD
The next performance was by Question? The song was “Beautiful Mind” I quite liked the performance, the song seems nice? Me and my sister find it weird that the “main vocalist” is the drummer, because he’s a drummer, either way Yoshi is awesome, though I think the other lead vocalist and guitarist left Question? And Johnny’s a few years ago? Either way that’s not the point. Not the best Question? Performance or song I’ve ever heard “Ohhh~ Mister Coffee Maker~” Anyone? xD (Better known as
Next up was Yara with TheyBudou collaboration. I’m starting to like Yara and Yamamoto Ryota..not so much the other Budou boys though. Though they are all pretty good dancers. But back to the performance it was good at first it was just TheyBudou doing “Misty” it was nothing too special but it was good it was kinda of Hmm Jazzy sounding? After that Yara come out and they done “Revenger” which is more upbeat than “Misty” So I preferred it sound wise to “Misty” The performance was also a lot more interesting then again it would be…they done roly-poly’s and backflips and things <3
There was a brief Hey!Say!JUMP talk with “Time” straight after. So “Time” is the song which Takaki wrote the lyrics for. I really enjoyed the song and the performance of this song…I do have one complaint though….why does Yamada get so many solo lines? Not just in this song but like nearly all JUMP songs? Sure he has a nice voice but so does Daiki? Also noticed that since NYC Yamada & Chinen have been wearing a lot of Red/Yellow clothes…lol Back to the performance I forgot that Keito and Ryuu were here until they had nice close up shots lol, but I am really loving this song and choreography was good to. “I want Daiki to keep on wearing funky clothes like that, he could be like JUMP’s Massu” - To quote my sister.
Ahh~ yes, next was ABC-Z’s performance of “Vanilla”. It started with Tottsu on guitar with Hasshi dancing…the dance that Goseki taught him….Which I’m confused about, in an interview it was said that Goseki taught Hasshi a dance that wasn’t at Hasshi’s level…which makes me think it was kinda complicated, I’m no dancer but, that look kind of not that hard? Anyways, after that Hasshi sang by himself with no music then it went on to the proper performance. Which I’m almost sure they changed the choreography for…I’ll check on that now…I see, the bit I thought they changed seems to change a lot. But still, the performance was good though nothing outstanding. Also as much as I love their blue suits I’m kind of sick of seeing them...not that they always wear them or anything xD
It’s official for me Tottsu has great hair again, before it was too long then too short but now, it’s nice ♥
Other key points:
- One of B.I.Shadow randomly disappeared (Wasn’t in the final performance) as pointed out by my sister.
- I prefer Fumikyun’s impression of Massu…Sorry Taiga~!
Not a lot of things to talk about for Shounen Club, though there is plenty to talk about in KAT-TUN fandom..I mean Whut?
Well whatever happens, It wont affect my love for KAT-TUN, I will support them still. I wasn’t much of a Jin fan anyways =X but still, it would be weird without him in the group from now on. Well if this whole thing is true I wish him the best of luck for his projects in America…
Well, thats all from me (^_^)/~
--- Stitch xxx