May 26, 2014 13:28
At 9:30 pm last night, 5/25, my maternal grandmother passed away.
She'd been sick for weeks, shuffled between my aunt's house and the hospital. It started with muscle spasms, then pneumonia, and finally, she was sent to my aunt's on hospice since her muscles were weakening.
I procrastinated going over on Saturday to visit. I didn't want to. I didn't feel like spending a marathon visit at my aunt's house for hours on end while my grandmother withers away in her bed. I've gone through so much sadness, I just can't do it.
I went out with Lyzeth on Friday night (dinner at Hometown Buffet) and we made plans to do laundry at the Lone Star on Saturday since she had mounds of clothes and my linens were in dire need of a wash. From there, we went to her place, smoked, sat though Bruno, shut it off because even under the influence, that movies is still awful, and went to 7-11 for Slurpees, nachos, and cupcakes. My aunt called me at Lyz's and I realized that hard as it was, I had to go see my grandma. So I sobered up and went to visit.
Saying bye makes her death a little less stressful to handle. Part of the reason I took my other grandmother's death so bad was because no one saw it coming, so no one got to say goodbye.
But I really worry about my mom. I'm homebound today since she's drugged up on Xanax. In fact, we didn't tell her about her mom till this morning. I got the news last night just after we saw Frozen at my other aunt's, but we had to wait till we got home to tell mom. To take my mind off it, I just read some junk on my phone and wrote a review for Amazon. It helped.