(no subject)

Aug 02, 2004 13:37

-my name is: Tember
-star sign: Gemini
-chinese sign: Bunny!
-place of birth: Jackson
-current residence: Florence
-hair color: Naturally? Well naturally it's a light brown, right now it's black, soon to be auburn..
-eye color: brown
-height: 4'11
-writing hand: left


-do you bite your nails: No
-can you roll your tongue: yeah
-can you blow smoke rings: haven't tried
-can you blow spit bubbles: Yeah.. I do that when I'm bored..well really bored
-can you cross your eyes: duh.
-tattoos and where: I wish..
-what's sexiest on a girl: lips
-do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it:twirl!!
-what utensils do you use to eat pizza? It depends if I'm eating infront of a guy or not
-do you cook: When I feel like it.


-how often do you brush your teeth: every morning and night sometimes I forget at night..
-do you shower/bathe: Both..I like baths more.
-how long do these showers last: 45 minutes to an hour..
-do you swear: who doesn't?
-do you pee in the shower: I prefer the toilet..
-what color is your bedroom: I don't know..
-do you use an alarm clock:Of course
-name four things or people you're obsessed with: Johnny Depp, anything Japanese, Tim Burton, and rockabilly
-what's your sleeping position:However I fall asleep...?
-in hot weather do you use a blanket: I fell secure with a blanket..
-do you sleepwalk: every now and then
-do you talk in your sleep: I've been told that I do.
-how about the light on:Every night.. I hate the dark


-had sex:: Umm..
-watched bambi: about 7 years ago
-cried: like three nights ago
-talked on the phone: 15 minutes ago
-read a book: last night


-is music important to you: I wouldn't know how to live with out it!
-do you sing:I'm in choir so I guess I sing..
-what instruments do you play: I use to play clarinet.. but I plan on starting to play the electtric guitar!
-what do you think of Eminem: He is stupid and Vanilla Ice was here before him!
-in your opinion what band is the best of all time: The Beatles!


-pop music: Eh.. sometimes
-rock music: Oldies rock!
-punk music: depends
-rap music: Old school!
-hip-hop/RB: not really..
-country:hell no!
-classical: Every now and then
-new age: Oh my god yes!
-hardcore: When I feel like screaming and headbanging!
-indie rock: It's ok
-emo: Rawk!

-WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX (or same depends)-

-What do you notice first? Style, hair, facial features
-Do you have a crush on anyone? Hee!
-Easiest to talk to: Opposite: Adam Same: Kate!


-Could you live without the computer?: God forbid no!
-What's your favorite fruit?: Honeydew!
-What hurts the most? Physical or emotional pain?: definately emotional..
-Trust others way too easily?: Kinda..


-Of times you have had your heart broken? More than once..
-Of hearts you have broken? one
-Of drugs taken illegally? none! Yay!
-Of tight friends? about three or four
-Of CD's owned? A bunch!
-Of scars on my body? About 5

I know:some stuff
I want: to cuddle..
I have: a huge butt
I wish: I was cuter..
I hate: babies crying..
I fear: sharks and the dark
I hear:a baby cooing
I ache: in the heart not becuz of love but more so homesickness
I care: my friends and family
I always: say something sarcastic
I dance:all the time!!
I cry: I use to cry a lot..
I write: when I'm in the mood..
I confuse: people
I can usually be found: bouncing around
-Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: I flashed a car.. is that a game..?


A wuss: Most of the time
A gang member: yo wut up I wear a baby blue all the time dawg.. no..!
A daydreamer: My favorite hobby!
An alcoholic: sometimes
A freak: In the bed... just kidding!
A brat: everybody is in his or her own way
A sarcastic: every chance I get
An angel: I wish
Evil: The rednecks tend to think so
A friend: sure why not?
Shy: around hot guys
Adventurous: yep!
Intelligent: common sense wise I am


-Your best feature [personality]: comforting people
-Most annoying thing you do: never thing of a good comeback till the arguement is over
-Biggest mistake you've made this far: James..
-Describe your personality in one word: Bouncy!
-A smell that makes you smile: My mom's perfume
-A city you'd like to visit: Tokyo
-A drink you order most often: Water
-The music you prefer while alone: anything really
-A TV show you watch regularly:Dead Like Me
-live in:In a box

[x] What is/are... [x]

-Words you overuse ::: um, but, yeah
-Phrases you overuse :::Shut up and leave me alone
-Your first thought when you wake up ::: I'm gonna go back to sleep
-Your greatest accomplishment ::: Being me
-Something you want to do :::Visit Japan

[x] This or that [x]

-Pepsi or Coke ::: pepsi
-McDonald's or Burger King ::: Burger King
-Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: both I guess
-Chocolate or vanilla ::: Chocolate!
-Adidas or Nike ::: neither..
-Black or white :::both
-Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::: duh.. bills of course
-Burgers or hot dogs ::: burgers..hot dogs are nasty..
-Egypt or France ::: France!!
-Rock or rap :::Rock rocks my world! Ha!

[x] Do you... [x]

-Smoke ::: Eh..kinda
-Cuss ::: yep
-Singwell ::: when I want
-Sing in the shower ::: not really
-Talk to yourself :::To my stuffed animals.. when I'm lonely especially Tinkie!
-Believe in yourself ::: I try
-Like taking these longass surveys? ::: buh..
-Want to go to college? ::: Yeah!
-Want to get married? ::: yeah..
-Want to have children? ::: twins!
-Think you're a health freak? ::: I wish..
-Get along with your parents ::: I guess
-Get along with your siblings? :::when we want
-Think you're popular ::: Who cares?
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