My Sink is Shiny

Nov 28, 2008 18:20

I know, I know, you are saying, "What does your shiny sink have to do with crafting?", I am going to explain. I have a terrible time finishing projects. I hyperfocus on things that are new and as soon as I learn them I get distracted by something else. Sometimes I just get lost in the enormity of a project. I know I can break it down to smaller pieces but then I run into the lack of organization in my sewing room which is only an extension of the chaos in the rest of the house. I am not one of those people who were born knowing how to organize everything, I have succeeded in being organized on occasion but in the last 10 years I feel as though I completely lost that tenuous hold even.

Then a friend sent me to, I poked around,(honestly my first thought was how the site seemed awfully busy but I decided to let that ride for a bit) figured it could not hurt to join the yahoo group and check it out. I read the email about shining my sink and it took a couple days and my friend reminding me that baking soda is good for scrubbing and cleaning after all silly for me to shine my sink and browse through the first slew of emails. I read the email Butterflies Beginnings and cried a little because it felt like she wrote that letter to me, how could she know me so well?

So, the shiny sink is my first step toward getting my house and crafting space to a place where I am free to be creative and no longer stifled and lost. I will try to have some craft updates for you soon and I will probably post about my FlyBaby progress too.

Just a Little
with ~brat~


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