Well it's thanksgiving..

Nov 24, 2005 00:57

I don't update LJ like i used to.. and you can thank my LJ client for that.. it doesn't work right and i never feel like getting on to the site to update.. but since i have to one way or another here cause i'm on the home computer i figured what the hecks.. Firstly i'll say.. Hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving.. or atleast try to for those of you who don't like the holiday.. it's just another excuse to eat everything you can see.. well luckitly for us.. we are not having the traditional Thanksgiving Feast.. we are not having turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed taters, veggies galore.. no.. we are having Steak Baked Potatoes and Corn.. lol.. it's what i wanted cause when my mom asked me what I wanted for thanksgiving that's what i was craving! lol it's my dad's fault cause he wanted me to pick the dinner.. ::shrugs:: too bad.. it's not a big deal anyway.. the only turkey that really gets eaten here is the lunchmeat kind.. last time we had turkey for Tgiving i had to eat it all.. and let me tell ya..turkey was not something i wanted to see again after that!.. and we usually eat ham.. but it seems that my dad doesn't want ham cause he's tired of it.. but whatev.. Steak is twice as good. .and it's cow not pig. lol.. i'm so smart.. but yeah..

I'm going to hang out with Ed some during the day tomorrow.. probably for a couple hours then i'll come home and eat then i am going to my aunts for dessert.. and to gather around with the family.. my cousin has his little boy up here too so i get to meet the little tyke..

My computer is being a piece of shit.. i hate it soo much.. i hope they can fix it when i come home for Christmas break.. and even more so than that.. i hope it makes it to Christmas Break!! cause if it don't.. i'm gonna A) be screwed and B) Be PISSED cause..i wasn't online all day.. and i feel like i missed the world and there was nothing even that important that i missed being away all day.. i just get 5 times as bored.. and as much as i'm into Queen of the Damned i just don't feel like picking it up while i'm home.. i read like 3 or 4 or 5 pages a day and that's it.. i can't sit here and read it..

When i come home for good tho.. i'm telling you.. Dial-Up isn't going to happen.. i will not stand for it.. I don't care if I myself have to pay for half a year the full price of cable or dsl internet... cause i will fucking need it for school!! there is no doubt in my mind.. i will not be able to last here if i have to deal with dial up.. cause my mom AND my dad both get online all the time..and with me here.. that's going to cause some problems..so i have to take care of that..i told my mom i'd pay for half of the bill.. and i have no problem doing that.. tho..i say i should only have to pay a third of it lol.. cause you figure. there's 3 of us.. and they will use it just as much as me.. but i'm happy to pay half.. and there's no way i'm even going to suggest that i only pay 1/3 of it.. but anywho.. i need my computer and my internet and without either i'll be lost!! that's for damn sure!!

I Got Accepted to Point Park!! I don't know if i mentioned that before and if i did..just go "DuH JOE WE KNOW!" if i haven't then you can say "WOW AWESOME!!!" so i will be attending Altoona for one more semester and then Next August I will be attending Point Park! =D I'm soo happy about that! I can't wait..

I'm going to come back and get the custodian job again this summer! and i may apply at target when i get back too.. so that i have a second job..cause i'll need target once i start school or some other job.. so i can continue to have some money!!! that's important! cause i have a phone bill and the internet..and everything.. but yes... things are looking good.. I'm soo excited..but it's 1:11 right now.. and i need to be getting to bed soon.. so i can get some good sleep.. i wanna get up around 10 or 11 for once tomorrow cause ed and i are supposed to get together around 12ish.. so Later Dayz and Happy Thanksgiving!!

Aloha Cousins
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