So today is Friday, September may be just another normal day in the states...but here it means that I am one day closer to comming home to both California and Indiana. It seams like every day gets longer here in Irqa he closer we are to leaving this base and starting our trip to Kuwait. I know that that feeling is to be expected, but I didnt know it could get THIS bad.
Anyway, enough with all of the is some cherry stuff for all of you who like happy endings. I found out some of the countries that we are working with over here. OH MY turns out that we have been working with the Iraqies and with the Australians. AUSTRAILA! Holy cow...didnt see that one comming. This has been fun...I know that sounds wierd...but it has.
So I was bored any other day during the past I decided to play some beach volleyball with some of the other comnpanies and officers that are out here. Yep...the only way I can describe it is watch the volleyball secene in TOP GUN and there you have was an exact replica with me personally as Maverick.
Well...dinner is calling my name so I am going to get going...lots of love and I hope to see you all soon...I miss you all so much...and I will be home soon, Sarah!
Oh yeah I favorite band just won the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS.....AGAIN!