(no subject)

May 31, 2008 09:29

[Private// Inoue Orihime // Hueco Mundo // Unhackable]

Your laughable refusals will cease, woman. There is a growing number of deaths and grievous injuries on your head, and yet you persist in your foolish endeavor. Do you expect your friends to come and save you once again?

You should know better. Was I not the one who showed you how easily Kurosaki Ichigo would be eliminated? As Aizen-sama's property, merely consider this. I will continue with the promises I've made you. One more death, and one more left barely alive to assure you who, exactly, is perpetrating this.

Your foolish play has gone on long enough. If you presume to test me, I will show you, once again, how utterly worthless your comrades are.


Pathetic, all of you. Your miserable keening over the fallen, your simpering talk of having a sham of a justice system presuming to right your wrongs.

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