(no subject)

Apr 08, 2008 21:44

How vain, to assume to regulate this pit with your fragile, worthless notion of justice; to display such insipid games only befitting of festering trash in choosing a person of supposed position.

A position not acknowledged by those of superior power is a mere child's role play fantasy.


[Private :: Aizen :: Unhackable//Hueco Mundo Filter]

Octava has departed from this place, and Inoue Orihime's presence is within the limits of the City.

Your orders, Aizen-sama.


[[ooc: Bitch-sama is in a foul mood, because Octava got to go home and he didn't. That, and the fact that he thinks that this place is like a glorified box caja negacion, and his natural disdain for elections doesn't make things better ._.]]
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