fin de semestre!

Jun 07, 2009 14:30

Last Monday morning I emailed off my last paper for the the semester, meaning that I am done with schoolwork until September! I might try and get ahead on some of my reading for next semester over the summer, though.

So now I've been working in the ILO archives every day since Monday. There's another intern there, now! Mary is going to be there all summer (tant pis pour elle). The annual conference started on Wednesday morning, so there are extra people everywhere, especially on the bus in the mornings. I met the workers' delegation from Nepal while waiting at the bus stop one afternoon. Also, I was given a swine flu kit, which includes a pamphlet on the H1N1 virus, hand sanitizer, a pocket pack of tissues, and instructions on how to properly blow my nose and wash my hands. According to one of the other women that work in the same room as me, we should just stay away from the Mexican and North American delegations.

I now only have two more weeks of that, though, but also only two more weeks in Geneva. After that, I'm taking a train to Venice, where I'm meeting my brother, and we're going on a cruise in the eastern Mediterranean - stopping in Bari, Katakolon, Izmir, Istanbul, and Dubrovnik! Then A.J. is flying back to California, and I'm taking a night train from Venice to Paris, where I'll be for a week. I'll be back in California the evening of July 7th (one month from today!).

Right now, Carrie is here. She got here on Wednesday and it was a sort of last minute thing - she's still not really sure when she's going back to Florence, either. It's been nice, though. She likes Geneva, and obviously it's nothing horrible to be sharing my room with my roommate.
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