AHHH! (help...)

Oct 30, 2005 10:09

Ok, so the only Biologry courses listed on the online UC application are Biology (AP), Biology CP, and Biology IB (H). Now, I'm pretty sure that I'm taking Biologry IB (H) now, and it's not the same course as I took in tenth grade, but I'm also pretty sure that I took a biology that wasn't Biology (AP) or Biology CP in tenth grade. Actually, I think what it is is that my school splits Biology IB (H) material into two years (and then puts a year of physics in between them just to make it more confusing), but how to I put that on the application?

Edit: Actually, now that I look at it again, under Biology (AP) it says BIOLOGY AP/IB (and then it says it's AP Honors Status) and under Biology IB (H) it says BIOLOGY H (and then it says that it's IB Honors Status). WTF, mate?

Edit the second: It's the same thing with physics. What's wrong with my school's science department? Oh, yeah, Mr. Freed is the chair...

Edit III: And what do I do with TOK, where half of it is junior year and half is senior year? Or with APS and economics, which were actually only a subterm each?

high school, college

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