A lot of sideways pictures, and the best of the pictures my friends got can be found
A bunch of summaries of the dance itself can be found
All I really have to add is that there really needs to be more real dancing, rather than the bastardized freak dancing thing people do at school dances. And that I think Janna's shoes are pretty fabulous, even if the balls of my feet can't support all of me for that long without lots of pain (though it's not like I have blisters, or anything - they were just tired). But, hey, my feet looked good, and they made me feel tall. Carole took pictures of them. (The condition on which I was allowed to leave work two hours early was that I come back before closing time so that I could be photographed. And when I came back Carole made me earings, because I had borrowed everything else from Janna, but not that. Yeah, working at Creative Castle is pretty awesome.)
There was thunder and lightning and rain today. It was pretty spiffy, except for the part where I almost died driving to Whole Foods and back at lunch. Don't drive too fast in the rain, kids. Then I went back to school and spent most of fourth period in Warfield's back room doing my caclulus homework and half listening to Adam's iPod with one ear as he changed the song half way through each one (why?) after the power surge left him with nothing else to do. Warfield wouldn't let anyone turn on any computers or power up the server after the power surge for fear of loosing yearbook data like we did two years ago, so yearbook was canceled and we had the editor's meeting we didn't have at the end of last week, instead.
You know I can totally do my calculus homework as long as it doesn't involve, you know, stuff we supposedly learned in math analysis.
I didn't get nearly enough sleep this weekend.