Nov 02, 2006 20:14
so i havent updated in forever, but I just never have anything but normal update stuff to say, but then I thought of a GREAT Story to bring everyone down memory lane.
OK...i didnt get a chance to post this on halloween, but I was talking to some ppl about how a bunch of us used to go to all those haunted houses, and I was telling them about the time we drove allll the way to BFE to go to some trio of terror, and the whole night Tim kept running away from the michael myers character guy cuz Tim was freaked out by that movie. So i went over and asked the micahel person to scare tim, and he walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder and when tim turned around he fell backwards onto the ground screaming. That was good times.
Then, there was the chainsaw man that joanna was scared to death of, and when he chased us out of the haunted barn or whatever the hell it was she ran straight to the car up that long hill, and I tried to follow but I think i fell on my ass half way up.
ANYWAYS, so 37 days till i am 21. 5 days till this darn election is over, and I will have a life back.
That is about all.