Here's a couple images I took of the tarot, arrayed into a spread I've been working with called the Eye of Risting.
First, here's a close-up of the tarot backs I was talking about. See how they look kinda like an eye?
And here's the spread. The card positions are below.
7 8
9 1-2 10
6 5
1. The Pupil- haha, yes, I called this card the pupil because it symbolizes the one being 'schooled' by the cards, and also because it's the center of a spread called the Eye of the Risting. Nyah, I'm corny like that, bite me. Anyway, it's your significator-identifier card.
2. The Lens of Wyrd- this is the world as it appears, the situation at hand from outside. It's a sort of snapshot of what the reading is about.
3. The Baseline- the root of your situation, what it's drawing its support from. It represents all baseline concepts, and what stands as the foundation to any of the situation.
4. The Vision- this is you're trying to go with this, or the goal being sought. It is read as a goal to be accomplished, an aim that this situation is supposed to carry forth. Doesn't mean it'll work, but often it has an impact on the situation anyway.
This is the part where I offer my clients a choice. Cards 5 through 8 are read in the order chosen by the client, after I explain what each position symbolizes. The order often colors the reading to some degree, and also helps them stay engaged in the reading.
So, this is what each of those cards means.
5. The Lens of Fate- this represents how the situation has come about to meet the querent, and also how things are likely to proceed. It can offer a lot of detail into the 'chance' events involved in an occurrence, but also can hold clues on unraveling tricky fate-tangles.
6. The Focus of Power- this represents the power involved with the situation, either that which the querent or others are trying to cultivate, or power being used to affect the situation.
7. The Veil of Mystery- this is the position for the experiential lesson one is being initiated into. It also has to do with loss, and changes which cannot be undone, situations which cannot be explained, and transformations from which one cannot turn back.
8. The Gaze of Necessity- this is the card for the imperatives and restrictions involved here. Drives, motivations, and hidden forces which inhibit the players or possibilities all can be seen here.
Once you've read these four, you move on to the next two, in numerical order.
9. The Light of Revelation- this card strips away illusions, and destroys lies. It also reveals important information you need to make the healthy decision before you. Often, this revelation bears little resemblance to the question at hand, but it is always VERY pertinent.
10. The Night's Price- this card represents the price involved with gaining what one wishes from the situation. It can also describe the cost of one's choices already made.
As this is one of my 10-card readings, you can read the Balance of Humors (suits), the Balance of Shadows (inversions and uprights ratio), and the Balance of Numbers (card numeric values) to gain further insight. Each card also can be deepened by reading its immediate neighbors to the left or right, as a three-card reading with the main card as the answer and the other two as descriptors.
Have fun, guys! And buy the Shadowscapes Tarot! They're awesome!