Now I know we all have this story about how we made a rl friend listen to kpop... Guess what I have another one.
I kinda made a new friend not long ago. She's weird and makes me mentally facepalm myself a lot but I'm not that normal myself so I don't judge anyone.
The thing is we got to spend some time together and I found out something pretty interesting.
She asked me to let her listen to my music when I took out my ipod. Since I already mentioned she's pretty weird I knew she won't be a judgmental bitch like any other person who ever listened to my music (Note : My ipod is 100% kpop).And guess what, she liked it. Finally someone who appreciates a good music. It wasn't the first time she asked me to send her some songs and stuff but then she asked me a question that made me shit bricks and vomit rainbows. 4 simple words that made my eyes wide as Puss In Boots:
So after I judged her harshly for being able to find only 'Bad Girl' on YT I kept spazzing nonstop about how they became even more amazing and relevant since their first single.
Apparently she likes asians because she loves boys with baby faces lol. The reason she prefers korean/japanese songs because this way she's not focused on the lyrics but on the singer's voice and she prefers it when she doesn't understand what the song is about especially when the song is dumb (lmao I didn't get this one but... w/e floats your boat gurl).
All I ever wanted is a true friend who will understand me and my fandom but I still feel like this isn't it... I need someone who's in this business long time ya'know cuz spazzing just doesn't feel the same w/ a person who just suddenly got interested. Maybe she will get tired of it like most of the ppl who showed a slight interest.