Jan 26, 2003 21:10
redcowlp: my roommate vivian, her dad came in town this weekend
redcowlp: and hes this reserved indian fellow
zoomrythmtrack: oh
redcowlp: like from india
zoomrythmtrack: good
redcowlp: so he comes in town friday
redcowlp: but i didnt get to meet him before i went out for the night
redcowlp: so we party at 112 on friday night and i get wasted as hell, and come home to my house with mark
redcowlp: and vivs dad is sleeping of course
redcowlp: so mark wakes me around 8 am
redcowlp: i peed all over him, all over me, all over the bed, the comforter, the sheets and its freezing as all hell
zoomrythmtrack: hahah holy shit
redcowlp: so mark gets some rags
redcowlp: cleans my bed
redcowlp: takes of the sheet and the comforter
redcowlp: and gets a new blanket from the living room
redcowlp: we get in the shower to clean off the piss
redcowlp: and as soon as i turn the water off i hear vivs dad in the living rom
redcowlp: room
redcowlp: and i'm like oh tight i get to introduce myself in a robe while my boyfriend is in a towel
zoomrythmtrack: haha
zoomrythmtrack: good
zoomrythmtrack: and then you did?
redcowlp: isnt that horrible
redcowlp: yep
redcowlp: i felt like such a jackass
zoomrythmtrack: haha
zoomrythmtrack: yeah, you should
zoomrythmtrack: have
redcowlp: viv like dyed her hair back to the normal color and cleaned our apt, and tookd down the liquor bottles
redcowlp: and then i walk out of the bathroom with a bo y
redcowlp: good job me