Feb 03, 2005 18:49
First entry.Feels strange.Mainly when I have had this stupid journal for a while.No longer shall I just leave comments!Ok my glory is over.Now for my glory about finals.FINALS ARE OVER!If the finals were easier then I wouldn't be this excited but FINALS ARE OVER!Now that I got that out of my system, I'm going to try and somehow make my journal cool and with no comments,no friends being added, and last but not least no user picture.Actually I will have a picture so forget the last part.My livejournal is going to make me seem sad and pathetic.I'm not a loner!I just have read comments and I don't feel like getting those anon comments with someone bad mouthing me and once you add friends your friends add them and their friends add them and alot of people complain about having to add people they don't know.Ok if you read that last long sentence slowly, it makes sense.Now I have one question which anyone can answer by simply calling me.How do you put up pictures?I just got a digi camera and I just figured out how to take a picture.Pathetic, huh?Next step is to see the picture.