Jul 23, 2006 23:46
I like this come-what-may lifestyle. I like not having plans and just doing what feels good at that moment.
Social Mixer Friday night. Dancing was fun! A certain person showed up that wasn't reallyy wanted, but K uncharateristically snarled a "That's because you think all Asians look alike," to said person without irony or apology.
Dim sum and Il Laboratorio del Gelato with the Dirtypop/Taku gals on Saturday. Leisurely, nice. I started looking for jobs and fixing my resume. Not sure what for, exactly.
Water taxi beach in Queens on Sunday. It took me 25 minutes to get there from the UWS! OMG! I'm going there EVERY weekend. It wasn't crowded, there was sand, good beer, poppy music, and fresh corn on the cob. Screw the Warm-Up at P.S.1.
Boob status: Still not sagging.