Kati'es Life since the 2:03 AM phone call- AS TOLD BY ALEX INFUSINO

Jan 13, 2006 11:56

After i was rudely awaken on that night. I said "fuck them" and went back to sleep cause i was tired. Since then i have been doing sooooooooooooooooooo much. I went my boo's concert that was amazing. they are like the greatest thing since dillweed. Then i also went to a NeversEnd concert last week at clearwater in Dundee that kinda got me irked. Because they let in late, it was a dollar more than i expected, and i was at circuit city for like an hour before that so i wasn't that happy. but the that show was pretty good. Also lately out internet has been kinda funked up so until like tuesday it was like no working. but that really isnt' a lame excuse on why my lame butt didn't update at all. So me and AL were buggin my mom all weekend to do it but she never did cause she has turned like all lazy. So then i called on monday i think it was and like the lady i was first talking to was of no effing help cause i couldn't understand her at all cause i think they sent the call to like india like they always do when you have technical problems. but then like after some trouble i finally got it fixed and felt so proud of myself. :D But the only fault is that we had to downgrade back to the old SBC Yahoo cause that was the problem. i really liked the new one too cause it had tabs to choose when you had more than one page up. like it was only one window. but o well it's not a GIANT loss. Oh so back to the CD player. yeah the effers like effed me over almost. we got there and they told us (AL and i) to go around back so we started driving around back and when we got there, there was a guy having a smoke and he told us to just pull over. Then he went back in but like didn't come out. So while i was on the fone with my boo i thretened alex to go back up front and ask them what the fuck was going on. then while he was up front the guy came and it was all better. But like then they told be it was gonna take an hour so i was like FUCK FUCK FUCK. but it was 20$ cheaper than the other idiot saiod on the phone so i was happy. so me and all played all the mini games on the mario pary 7 they had there cause we couldn't play a realy game because it was a sample. then we were playing ont he computers. And it was really fun cause AL was sitting on the ground across from one of the computer moniters playing solitare with the wireless mouse. AND he WON. he's such an amazing kid. so glad he's my brother.then we went back there cause it was already like 45 mins and they still didn't call us back but when we did they said it was already so i was like WTF mate?! effin kangaroos. hmm.....oh and i also decided what i was gonna get my boo for his birthday...or something...getting something for some reason. i hope he likes it.

hmm...oh and finlas this week. i was like all worried abouot a lot of them but i did good. oh and alex passed his bio with 86% i'm so proud of my lil bro cause he was really worried about getting lower than a B and he would've gotten a C in bio if he did. but he didn't. He's so smart. But yeah. i'm like getting all A's in my class except Seldona's cause i got a C on the final. Englsih is so hard. But i learn soooo much. other than that i'm amazed that like yesterday it was 60 and when me and Alex got out of school today it as snowing like extremely hard. but yeah. life since the call has be good.

i can't wait to see Tina J tonight. she's half amazing half woman.

oh and Alex really is the greatest borhter in the world.

peace homies.

lata playa

Ying Yang Twins 4 lyfe.

and yes i really am listening to Aesop Rock
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