Oct 30, 2006 06:29
"hi dale how are you nice to meet you glad to hear youre pro-choice hows your lawn bye"
ok you got me, i'm simply avoiding making serious or relevant lj posts because i'm all out of material. i know its a great letdown and all, but if you can just trudge your way through a few more ambiguous and bad posts, i'm sure, in the end, you'll be rewarded greatly when i decide to boot back up the brain. i'm on the verge of a great breakthrough, but i'm all out of milk and hands, sweet gypsy milk, teat for teat for teat for tat, i'm sorry, i know that last part didnt make any sense. sometimes i imagine when i'm playing the piano when i am typing on the computer, with head rolls and shoulder slides and body thrusts, finger flips and the whole purple-possum-in-a-plastic-bag routine, you know the one dont make me say it, and telephone curls, knuckle tufts, swirling colicky happy-go-lucky gobs of goo, me a late night stocker in this super market place, heaviy lined paper and pen strokes drawing ink spots liked flared nostrils like pitter patter and wow this is just getting way out of hand and not going anywhere. needless to say, i never learned to play the piano, but if i had, if i had i'd most likely be a better typist.