(no subject)

Aug 19, 2006 23:01

okay lately i've been having a lot of weird dreams/ nightmares. seems like for the past few weeks its been going on almost every night. so i did some research on it to look up what they might mean. sure i'ts nothing but its just been bugging me lately. i mean they're just fucking dreams.

1st dream: corey or family member abandons me/ betrays me in some way.

some meanings include:

Is our family, spouse or lover leaving us behind? Dreams of abandonment (surprise!) often reflect feelings of low self-esteem and undesirability-more than literal concerns of betrayal or desertion. If we have been feeling low or have suffered a setback in our romantic or professional life, this dream is a call to action. It’s time to identify our goals, so we feel better about ourselves, and leave these dreams behind!

Bomber my cat:

Feminine symbol, often associated with feminine mystery. (Cats are holy animals in Egyptian, Persian, Scandinavian, Greek, and Japanese cultures.) Cats may represent the anima or feminine aspects of either a man or a woman’s personality. Cats also can be associated with a woman’s sexuality. For example, if a cat is aggressive, scratches you, or jumps on you, it may indicate difficulty with your sexuality, or mixed feelings regarding your desire for children. Cats hold a particularly strong association to babies in women’s dreams. Women often dream of “birthing” cats!

Corey dying in the line of duty:

Consistent symbol for change and separation in dreams, that should not be interpreted literally. Dreams of a child, sibling, or parent dying reflect change in our perception of that relationship. Old qualities of the person are “passing away,” new qualities are being recognized. Dreams of death of an ex-lover reflect separation of the relationship. Mothers of toddlers often dream of accidents, including death, befalling a child. The dreams are not precognitive. Rather, a mother’s concern for her child’s safety, represented by the accident, never rests!

Dreaming of one’s own death (a dreamer may witness his or her funeral, or may “just know” that he or she has died) symbolizes an inner metamorphosis and an evolution of development. Old ways of perceiving are passing away; new self-discoveries are being made. The dream is a symbol of transition.

corey sleeping around:

Dreams of infidelity on behalf of the dreamer often indicate romantic attractions outside the primary relationship, and can be indicators of sexual discontent with one’s partner. Dreams of a partner’s infidelity may reflect the dreamer’s own insecurities or fears of betrayal, especially if the dreamer has been betrayed in the past. Infidelity dreams may alert dreamers to genuine betrayals occurring in a relationship.

Dreams of a partner cheating are common in relationships. If no concerns about betrayal or infidelity exist in waking life, the dreams are a sign of insecurity on behalf of the dreamer. Have you been feeling depressed or unattractive lately? You may be worrying that your partner will find someone better. If your partner has been unsupportive, you may be feeling betrayed. Is their attention “drifting away” from you? Please see betrayal and infidelity.

Being rape by some random person:

Dreams of rape are common expressions of fears of violence, and of feelings of unwanted attention from members of the same or opposite sex. Rape can also represent feelings of violation; that one’s personal boundaries are not being respected. In the wake of an actual rape, recurring dreams of the trauma are common.

killing random people who piss me off greatly:

Killing in dreams symbolizes the desire to “make someone go away,” and should not be interpreted literally as a sign of murderous intent. Whom did you kill? Can you identify the recipient of your anger in waking life? In dreams of murdering loved ones or family members, the dreamer may be worried about a current course of action, which he or she believes is “hurting” the murdered person, i.e., a child or spouse. Repeated dreams of killing reflect feelings of anger and frustration. It’s time to speak to someone, and get it off your chest! Dreams of killing small animals may be a reference to abortion. If you kill in self-defense, the dream is considered a positive sign of self-esteem and confidence; you are able to respond effectively to threats of attack.

Symbol of helplessness. Watching the victim of an accident or crime reflects feelings of powerlessness in the face of a larger force. Can you identify the victim? If you are the victim, you may be feeling helpless in the face of an emotional attack. Who has attacked you recently, and how will you regain your power?

Divorce, usually after corey cheating and me not forgiving him:

In a romantic relationship, dreams of divorce may represent literal fears, the “end of a project” that a couple worked on together, or a desire to “move in new directions.” Divorce from a business partner reflects a desire to “end the relationship.” If a partner asks us to divorce, we may fear we are contributing inadequately to the relationship.

me giving birth:

Frequently a literal representation in anticipation of actual childbirth, common among women of all ages. Also can be a symbol of rebirth and new beginnings in one’s own life. Is the baby delivered successfully, and is it healthy and normal? Dreams of miscarriage reflect doubts about a developing project or relationship. Dreams of birthing small reptiles, cats or dogs are common in first-time mother’s dreams during pregnancy. The dreams reflect concerns that the baby will be “normal.”

Abortion of my own child:


To dream that you have an abortion, suggests that you are hindering and blocking your own growth. You may be hesitant in pursuing a new direction in your life. The dream may also be a reflection of your own real-life abortion. And thus serve as a way of healing from the trauma and working towards self-acceptance.

This dream may also be a message for you to take care and look after your health.

i'm thinking that it may be due to over stress perhaps? dealing with lots of money issues, mother on my back at all times, trying to keep all families happy, trying to be a good wife ( and not nag too much), work, fixing the cars, cleaning the house, fixing the problems with the house that requires our lazy landlord, trying to find a way to better myself and make more money, finding a way to do art without being unrealistic, not having any good quality time with corey. i was thinking, due to the nature of some of the dreams, that maybe it had something to due with our realationship. may be it does. maybe its a transistion from the newlywed stage to a more mature married couple stage. where we both still love each other and work together but that bubbly unrealistic magical stage is over. now i think we're in the real world dealing with real things and working together on them. it doesn't seem as fun, but its something all couples must work through. i think my stress and worry, and perhaps my horrid past are over welming me. perhaps it is time to talk about them again and release some access stress. until then. i'll watch kingdom of heaven and try to stay awak this time. i really like like that movie.
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