Mar 20, 2005 18:11
YAY! today is a happy day as i ahve just compleated ACT I of RAGTIME!! horray!! you may say i am behind, but i started over from nothign this weekned forming a part of a fusion of Keyboard 3 and 2, as we lack a full pit, so i hope rodgers will be pleased. now now, i said i compelated, ACT I, i never said i was good at it....which is the down side, as i still need the music and have to switch books everyotehr measure, and i have heard ACT I now so much i could probly be an understudy for the chorus, and my god, i shoudl have been a techie....
hahaha it woudl have been so easier.
Well yes so i am happy and i hoep to finsih a lot of the stuff, yolu are right mikki i do feel beter about it, as the 2nd half is all fiarly easiy stuff. AND NACY SPARkLYN IS MY HERO, as she is taking all of my pinao cues, i mean what is the poiitn of having two pianos, and she has the parts anyway! so! i;ll show it to her,
and then she'll do it, i think i may watch tomorrwos; rehsersal, if youa re dogin a full run thru. i'll check with paul. I hoep rogers and paul dont hate me, as i am deff. sucky at RAGTIME! and FACT: did you know that RAGTIME! is one of the must difficult musicals, music wise that is in broadway catorgoery? well it is, and i am not saying that, and i think eveyone involed should be highyl proud for proforming this feat. well then! horray!
and yeah, we need to start teh My Fair lAdy movement!!!
yes that is right miss byrant, MY FAIR LADY!!
or Fiddler on the ROOF! if we do Fiddler i will auidtion, even thought i cannot sing, i will work my ass off, and i will adution for tavyava horray! lol but yeah or somethign simple music wise, like phantom of the opera, or lion king, or something simple and reptatious, and not very long.....
or he should do william shakespear's MACbeth! hehehe, (as i wrote an underscore to it...) i will have to suggest it to him
yeah so i am fellgin mighty content! horray!