Feb 12, 2005 17:48
yeah ill this weekend..had to leave schoole arly.
i got a huge migrane in englihs so i went to the office beacuse te nurse wasnt there and mrs. jefferson coudl give me andyhting so she sent be back to calss. i went back 15 mintues later and then she yelled for wendy to let me into teh nurses office.. it hink she is a n rn or something...
so thenm wedny said call teh nurse and mrs jefferson said she woudl and said that i look realyl sickl then nurse came in, looked at me and said, yeah we are gogin to call to get tou out of here. So she asked if i coudl walk and yeah i did..i had a huge hadache huge it hurt to move...but i made it...then iwent to nurse;s office she called my mom and ten gave me sum painkillers and a fever reducer then iwent to the beds took off my sweat shurit to use as a pillo, then litteraly passed out or went into t adeep sleep Then mrs. clark came in realyl funyn iw as liek wha..? wher am i and she was liek, i;m mrs. clark feel better i have you stuff." me: "oh oaky" theni wnet back to sleep...yeah it helped kinda. then i went home spet until 1 then did the commerical even thgouthi still felt sick i jsut needed to get this done so i coudl edit it...then yeah dropepd of arron and angleas aftter arron shwoer scene for our commerical of magic Goo the all purspose celasing freshign soap...then i went to go pcik up my siter form farmiming state colege thank god for conviece stores and travel sizes of Ibpropheun. i had a ntoher head ache attack on my was back i had to go thide int eh abck of the car away fomr th ehadlights....yeah..then came home went to bed...woke uptaod with the same headache sat aroudn for a bit...then i came onlien so i coudl find all of my friends to applogie that i coudl nto be at the witner ball and i feel so bad beacue shanonw ent out and took forever and money to buy her sexy balck dress! and to see Heather at a dance with light up shoes...and rebebca jsut beign rebecca at a dnace....i feel bad!!! sorry to you all!! we;ll ahevb to amke and otehr semi dance...i todl mikki a masquarde ball to befint the drama club......yeah....so i can go to it and shanon can were her sexy balck sress again!!....
then my parntes mad eme go out toda but i felt liek crap...famiyl trips suck....as well as illness...urgfay....
hopefull i will see them all on monday...
i fell bad about it...yeah had all all my intentiosn to go i bought moeny with me to buy ticket...and usalyl i dont apolige for things, so when i do it's really meaninf g ful like if i care if i see you...long story too ask abotu it or somethign i;ll go on...but now i have to saollaw some more medicine!
i guess....