And Off He Goes.....

Jan 25, 2006 17:30

well i reckon my dad has left the country now, so i don't have to bother or even think about him ever again! w00t! well its not like i've seen him twice since April last year is it :p yeps... but i do feel a bit sad at the way things have worked out though *slaps wrist* no, stop feeling guilty, he is the one who is leaving the country because "there is nothing left here for me now" >_< aarrrrrrrggggg!

in conclusion, goodbye dad! i give it 6 months till they are back with their tails between their legs!

i've very nearly finished my personal project, don't know whether to bother with a sketchbook or not? ummmmm... will decide later on, shouldn't take me too long to cobble one together (i know its not the way to think but oh well, never mind eh?!?!)

dad, college work

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