End of the Week (thank god!)

Aug 31, 2007 22:53

i'm not in again this weekend (w00h00!) oh, i could get used to this you know :p lolz. Angie said that she misses her dependable christina working at the weekend, but i'm still working the same weekend that she does? how does that work? anyways... the gerkin is scaring me again. i seem to be the only person he has a proper conversation with away from work talk. we were chatting about his plasma screen telly and his much-too-organised wardrobe today (polo shirts to t-shirts to casual shirts to going out shirts to suits to jackets if you were bothered) and the fact that he does all the ironing in his house. i must have "i'm soft, chat total shit to me and i'll humour you" tattooed on me fod. but at least i'm in good books with the management i suppose.

ahh don't have to think about that place till Monday... brilliant!! :D

the gerkin, work

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