Looky What Came Through The Post This Morning....

May 16, 2007 14:23

This cute little dude (he is cute, shut up!) is called Abe. and a million years ago there was a game on the playstation 1 (so long ago) called Abe's Oddysee. well, my dad had the game, and of course everything went south relationship wise with my dad... first when he said we didn't have to go and see him every other weekend (so me and my sister didn't see him for about a year :p) and then he told us he was moving to Cyprus and did so a year later after planning it for 18 months without telling his daughters!!!!!!! and that was over a year so yeah, as far as that goes, i don't have a dad anymore. Now, where was I.....? so yeah, not planned the game for aggggggesssss, came across the demo i have for the 2nd game, Abe's Exoddus and decided it was time to buy it. so i did. both of them. and they arrived this morning!! w00t!! so all i need now is the playstation 1 memory card i ordered this morning and i'm set for an Abe playing summer!!! hurrah!!

7 weeks TOMORROW till Silverstone!!!!eleventyone!!!111!!!!! *bounces like a maniac*

bgp, dad, abe's oddysee

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