*prods livejournal*

Sep 01, 2006 20:45

who are you? what have you done with my lj? *raises eyebrow* whose been messing with my lj? the ads have moved to under my sidebar... i'm not complaining, i prefer it like this.... just a little odd to come on here and find it all looking rather good. ^_^ huzzah!

woohoo, Manhunter fiiiiinally arrived today *w00t* i don't know whether or not to watch it tonight or tomorrow.... i may save it for tomorrow and watch CSI tonight *strokes chin* yeah, sounds like a plan.

i am so having a total 80s rock day today, have been listening to my new CD's, which are:

*Boston - The Greatest Hits
*Foreigner - The Definitive Collection
*Whitesnake - The Definitive Collection

*Eagles - The Complete Hits

not quite sure i'd call the Eagles rock, but they rule as well :p

aaaarrrrrgggg.... i want a credit card goddammit! so i can get a paid account and have more userpics... as 3 Grissom and 1 GSR icons are soooo not enough!

my lj, 80's rock, csi

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