overdramatization, i love it!

Aug 22, 2006 16:02

been playing about with my lj, kinda like it. finally taught myself how to put a banner on the thing... still need playing with though.

ooh, just been reading about tonights ep of CSI Miami, looks like it could be good one, with lots of excuses to bitch about the overdramatization that is Horatio Caine. *hurrah* :D

and where are the season 7 CSI promo's??????? i mean House has had some out for a while now, and i need Hi-Res pics of the beardless wonder! *sigh, god i'm sad*

hhhhmmmm... 4.05pm.... better get dressed i suppose *is teh lazy*

csi:miami, my lj, lazyness, csi

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