me and jessica are super hot/ghetto...duh!
my seductress wife, Melissa :-) don't be jealous
of course, herambi eating some skittles
Ben and Aak being cute
Me and Mr.Webb :-D
this is the sexiest man alive...haha, gotta love nic(k)!
i love jessica and melissa :-D
doesn't really need an explanation!
awwww, ben
one of 2,000 pictures of brandon...hahahaha
can't really say much else...haha
me and lauren :-) cute!
me and megan
the stalker and the stalkee...and vice versa :-D
first family picture...em, genevieve(the quail), and me
yeah, he was definitely grabbing my butt
look at those sexy beasts
wife and wife :-D
me and my sis Sam...yup, i love her!
this season was so amazing...and im going to miss it so much...and next time i see barwise im going to kill him for making me cry :-) haha, just playing. I love that kid, never expected to see one of my seniors and my section leader MY senior year when IM section leader...aww, yay! But, now that fall is out of the way, its time for winter season!!!!!! yes!!!!!!!! best season of the SOOOO excited...alrighty pooped, im headed to bed!
love-Regan, Rey, stingrey, regs, reganator, ray-gun, etc...haha