this is the same one as if you read it, ignore this one :-)

Aug 21, 2006 22:47

its weird how the smallest insignificant things can totally change your entire mood sometimes you know?  bleck

here's some highs and lows of college so far. (for those of you slow.. high - = low....hahahaha)
-told roomie i didn't want to bunk the beds, i wanted my own space...i get here, and guess what? the beds are bunked, and i'm on top
++i made the top my own little cove...because its got a shelf at the end. so i have a tv/dvd player my books, my hermit crabs, all my posters, my pictures of you guys, bulletin board allllll up there with me :-)
++no one will sit on my bed if she has people over, my stuff is too far out of the way 
-couldn't find a place to park late last night, thought i found one, and then got a parking citation
+mom called(yay mom) and got it worked out so i don't have to pay  because they didn't have stuff clearly marked and such. rock on.
+we can rent movies from our library for free
-there was no one to give me a piano proficiency test at orientation, so i'm stuck in piano1...right now they're learning that on a piano, there is a set of 2 black notes, then a set of 3, the a set of 2,...etc etc.  yeah kill me
+++talked with the teacher, and once i check out the book and see where i would be in it i can test out.
-i have ANOTHER FREAKING AUDITION tomorrow...i'm audtioning for wind symphony or symphonic band
---if i don't make either, i get STUCK in marching choice, and guess what? they don't have a freaking pit.  i would be stuck cymbals or something, kill me
-i can also try out for orchestra(with the string section) which woullld be AWESOME, but...since i'm a freshman, if i make it, it doesn't count as anything but extracurricular.  so i'd have to do that PLUS wind symphony/symph. band.
-even if i make wind symphony, i can't be in it because my schedule is too full
+my history teacher is really cool. and old. and cool.  and you know how semi trucks look like faces? seriously, i'm not nuts, like 4 people i've told today agree. well anyway.  his face fits the semi truck mold perfectly. its awesome
++i made a friend, hahaha, its really nice. actually i made 2. yay rah, go regan go
+++i made it into advanced music theory, freaking sweet, mr webb had the class believing that we didn't know enough because we had to skip a section. yay

the end.
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